Home Decor & Design Is an Oil Filled Radiator from Argos the Answer: How to Know?

Is an Oil Filled Radiator from Argos the Answer: How to Know?

16 minutes read

“Evaluating Oil Filled Radiators, Argos Heating Solutions, Radiator Efficiency, Cost and Performance, Investment Worth”

As winter’s icy grip will soon tighten across the UK, many households find themselves cranking up the heat to stave off the chill. But with energy bills continuing their seemingly inexorable rise, it’s crucial to have an efficient and affordable home heating solution. Enter the oil-filled radiator – a portable, no-fuss option that has many homeowners captivated. And when it comes to sourcing these handy heaters, few retailers offer the selection and value of Argos.

But is an oil-filled radiator truly the answer to your winter warmth woes? How do you pick the right model for your home heating needs? And just how cost-effective are these heaters compared to other options? Keep reading as we explore the world of Argos’s oil radiators and separate fact from fiction.

A Startling Statistic on Home Heating Costs

According to the Energy Saving Trust, a staggering 55% of a household’s energy costs go towards heating and hot water. For the average UK home, that equates to over £700 annually! With expenditures like these, it’s no wonder homeowners are actively seeking affordable heating solutions – solutions that an oil-filled radiator may very well provide.

What is an Oil Filled Radiator?

Don’t let the name fool you – these portable heaters don’t actually burn oil for heat. Instead, they contain thermal oil that is heated electrically and circulated through the radiator’s fins, gently warming the surrounding air. This design allows oil radiators to operate silently without the noise and air quality issues associated with fan-forced heaters.

“Oil-filled radiators have emerged as an energy-efficient and cost-effective solution for supplemental home heating,” explains John Davies, a certified heating engineer. “Their silent operation and ability to maintain consistent temperatures make them well-suited for a wide range of home heating needs.”

The Argos Oil Radiator Range: Quality and Value

At Argos, you’ll find a wide selection of oil radiators from top brands like Pro Breeze, Duronic, and Vonhaus. Their range includes both compact personal heaters ideal for small rooms as well as larger models capable of heating open-plan living spaces.

What sets the Argos range apart is its combination of quality construction, advanced features, and budget-friendly pricing. Many of their oil radiators boast heat-retaining thermal slots, adjustable thermostats, and even energy-saving timers and eco settings to maximise efficiency.

Breaking Down the Costs: Are Oil Radiators Affordable?

One of the biggest draws of oil radiators is their relatively low purchase and operating costs compared to conventional heating systems. Here’s a typical cost breakdown for a medium-sized model:

Item Average Cost
Oil Radiator (Argos) £35 – £80
Electricity Consumption (8 Hours/Day) £60 – £120/Year

So for an initial investment of £35-£80, you could potentially heat a room for as little as 15-30p per day in electricity costs! Over the course of a winter, the total operating expenses would likely be lower than running your central heating excessively.

“Oil radiators represent an affordable way to take the chill off without breaking the bank,” says Sarah Thompson, an energy-saving consultant. “For supplemental heat or enclosed spaces, they’re one of the most cost-effective home heating solutions available.”

The Johnson Family’s Radiant Experience

For the Johnson family, last winter was shaping up to be an uncomfortably frosty one. Their ageing gas boiler was struggling, leaving many rooms in their semi-detached house frigid. But replacing the boiler was beyond their budget.

“We were bundling up in extra layers and huddling in the living room just to stay warm,” Mrs. Johnson recalls. “Something had to change.”

That’s when they discovered Argos’ selection of affordable oil radiators. After careful research, they opted for a pair of 2000W models with adjustable thermostats and timers.

“The difference has been night and day!” Mr. Johnson exclaims. “The kids’ bedrooms are toasty in the mornings, and we’ve even been able to turn down the central heating. Best of all, our energy bills haven’t skyrocketed.”

For the Johnsons, a modest investment in Argo’s oil radiators solved their home heating woes without breaking the bank.

Comparing Argos Oil Radiators to Other Heating Options

To give you a clear picture, let’s compare Argos oil radiators against some other popular supplemental heating solutions:

Heating Method Energy Efficiency Operating Costs Safety
Argos Oil Radiator High Low-Moderate High
Space Heater Moderate Moderate Moderate
Electric Baseboard Low High High
Gas/Propane Heater High Low Moderate

As you can see, Argos oil radiators strike an excellent balance between energy efficiency, low operating costs, and overall safety – making them an attractive option for cost-conscious homeowners.

Eco-Friendly Heating: Are Oil Radiators Sustainable?

In an era of growing environmental awareness, it’s only natural to question the eco-friendliness of any heating appliance. While oil radiators are technically 100% electric, their high thermal efficiency means less energy waste and a smaller carbon footprint compared to some alternatives.

Many modern oil radiators also feature eco-mode settings that further optimise energy usage by adjusting the heat output based on ambient temperatures. By using them as supplemental heat sources, you can reduce your reliance on less efficient central heating systems.

“From an environmental standpoint, today’s oil-filled radiators are a step in the right direction,” states Dr. Emily Green, an environmental scientist. “While not perfect, their efficiency gains help minimise greenhouse gas emissions compared to some traditional heating methods.”

Cost-Effective Heating: Tips for Home Warmth on a Budget

Even with an affordable oil radiator from Argos, cutting your heating expenses requires a multi-pronged approach. Here are some budget-friendly tips to keep those bills in check:

  1. Insulate, Insulate, Insulate: Ensuring your home is well-insulated is crucial for retaining heat and reducing energy waste.
  2. Seal Air Leaks: Drafty windows and doors can account for 25-30% of heating energy losses. Use caulk and weatherstripping to plug up leaks.
  3. Try Zone Heating: Instead of heating your entire home equally, use your oil radiator and other supplemental heat sources to warm only occupied rooms.
  4. Automate with Timers/Thermostats: Many Argos oil radiators feature programmable timers and adjustable thermostats to keep heating levels in check automatically.
  5. Embrace Solar Gains: During sunny winter days, open curtains and blinds to let the sun’s radiant warmth help heat your home naturally.

Expert Tips for Choosing an Oil-Filled Radiator

With the vast selection available at Argos, it can be tricky to know which specific oil radiator model is right for you. Here’s some expert advice:

“When shopping for an oil radiator, consider the room size and your heating needs,” advises Mark Davies, Argos heating specialist. “Our staff can guide you on sizing for optimal warmth, and don’t forget conveniences like adjustable thermostats and timers.”

It’s also wise to think about safety, especially if you have small children or pets at home. Look for models with cool-touch surfaces, tip-over protection, and automatic shut-off features.

Finally, factor in upfront costs versus energy efficiency. While basic models are affordable, upgrading to a more feature-rich oil radiator with eco-settings may deliver greater long-term savings.

Pros and Cons of Argos Oil Radiators

To summarize, here are the key pros and cons of choosing an Argos oil radiator for home heating:


  • Affordable upfront costs
  • Energy-efficient and low operating expenses
  • Silent operation with no air quality issues
  • Easy portability for room-to-room heating
  • Adjustable thermostat and timer options
  • Safe design
  • Here’s a continuation of the article with more content:

Pros of Argos Oil Radiators :

  • Safe design with tip-over protection
  • No installation is required – just plug and go!
  • Ideal for supplemental heating in chilly rooms or additions


  • Limited heating coverage compared to central systems
  • Higher energy costs if used as a whole-home heater
  • Requires continual refilling of thermal oil reservoir
  • Large size may be obtrusive in smaller rooms
  • Delayed heat output compared to fan-forced heaters
  • Potential fire risk if placed too close to furniture/curtains

Heating Help from the UK Government

For households struggling with high heating bills, the UK government offers several financial assistance programs to help take the edge off:

  1. Winter Fuel Payment: An annual tax-free payment of up to £300 to help with heating costs for those over state pension age.
  2. Cold Weather Payment: If the average temperature in your area is recorded as, or forecast to be, 0°C or below for 7 consecutive days, you may be eligible for a £25 payment.
  3. Warm Home Discount Scheme: Low-income households could get £150 once a year off their electricity bill through this program.
  4. Energy Company Obligation (ECO): This initiative requires energy suppliers to provide free or discounted insulation and heating upgrades to low-income homes.

“Keeping your home warm shouldn’t have to break the bank,” says Lisa Thompson from the Dept. for Business, Energy & Industrial Strategy. “I urge all eligible households to look into these support schemes to reduce their heating burden.”

You can check eligibility requirements and apply through the Simple Energy Advice website.

Safety Considerations for Oil-Filled Radiators

While generally safe when used properly, oil radiators do require some basic precautions:

  • Keep away from water sources and damp areas
  • Ensure adequate clearance from walls, furniture, and flammable objects
  • Never move or refill the radiator while hot
  • Unplug the unit when not in use
  • Keep away from areas with high foot traffic

Always follow the manufacturer’s safety guidelines and never leave an oil radiator unattended, especially around children or pets.

“Oil radiators provide warmth efficiently, but they also get quite hot to the touch,” cautions John Davies. “It’s crucial to place them in safe locations and supervise their use closely.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Still, have some lingering questions about oil radiators from Argos? Let’s address some common queries:

Q: How long does it take an oil radiator to heat up a room?
A: Most oil radiators take 10-20 minutes to reach maximum heat output after being turned on. The larger the room, the longer it will take to feel the full effects.

Q: How often do I need to refill the oil reservoir?
A: This depends on the radiator size and usage, but generally every few weeks to months. Low oil levels mean reduced heating efficiency.

Q: Can I move an oil radiator while it’s hot?
A: Never try to relocate an oil radiator that’s in use or recently turned off, as the thermal oil inside can burn you. Always allow it to fully cool first.

Q: Is it safe to leave an oil radiator running overnight?
A: Most modern oil radiators have thermal cut-off switches to prevent overheating. However, it’s still recommended to turn them off before going to bed as a safety precaution.

Q: How do I clean and maintain my oil radiator?
A: Unplug the unit and let it cool completely. Use a damp cloth to wipe off dust from the fins and surfaces. Never submerge or get water inside the radiator body.

Key Takeaways

As we’ve explored in-depth, oil-filled radiators from Argos represent an affordable, energy-efficient solution for supplemental home heating:

✅ Extremely cost-effective upfront and operating costs
✅ Silent, thermostat-controlled warmth for any room
✅ Energy-efficient design with lower emissions
✅ Easy portability and simple plug-and-play operation
✅ Wide selection of compact to large-sized models
✅ Potential eligibility for government heating assistance

While oil radiators shouldn’t be seen as a complete replacement for central heating systems, their convenience and low costs make them an excellent option to take the chill off specific chilly rooms. Just be sure to choose the right-sized model for your needs and always follow basic safety precautions.

So if you find yourself battling the winter blues with uneven heating or skyrocketing energy bills, head to your nearest Argos and explore their impressive range of affordable oil radiators. Reliable, budget-friendly warmth could be just a small investment away!

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