
 Interiordesigneridea values the privacy of its users. This privacy policy outlines the information we collect, how we use it and the rights users have over their data.

Information Collection We collect the information you voluntarily provide when registering, placing orders, and participating in forums or email lists. Information gathered may include name, email address, phone number, etc.

Cookie Policy Cookies help us optimize site functionality and enhance users’ experience. We use cookies to track aggregate site usage statistics. Users may disable cookies, but the site may not operate properly afterwards.

Use of Information The information gathered allows us to provide the services you request. We use data to improve site operations, tailor recommendations, target advertisements and communicate periodic updates.

Data Sharing We will not sell or rent users’ personally identifiable information unless given explicit permission to do so. We will only share data with third parties as required to provide requested services or products. In cases of unlawful behaviour, we may provide information to legal authorities.

Security While no website can guarantee security, we take reasonable precautions to protect the security of users’ data through use of leading data storage, SSL encryption and other tools. Access to data is limited to necessary personnel only.

Right to Access/Edit Information Users have the right to view, edit or remove personally identifiable information at any time. Simply contact us via email provided. Though removal may inhibit the ability to use site features or offerings.

Interiordesigneridea Team,

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Privacy & Cookies Policy