Home Heating Single Panel Radiator: The Best How-to Guide Now!

Single Panel Radiator: The Best How-to Guide Now!

17 minutes read

Did you know? According to recent statistics, over 90% of UK households rely on radiators for heating, and single panel radiators are becoming increasingly popular due to their efficiency and sleek design. Whether you’re renovating your home or simply upgrading your heating system, a single panel radiator might be the perfect solution. This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know about single-panel radiators, from selection and installation to cost breakdown and maintenance.

Single panel radiator: Expert guide to saving money and heating efficiently.
Single Panel Radiator

How-to Guide for Single Panel Radiators: Save Money Today

Why Choose a Single Panel Radiator?

Question: Are you tired of bulky radiators that take up too much space but don’t deliver enough heat?

Single panel radiators are the epitome of efficiency and style. Unlike double panel radiators, which have two sets of panels and convectors, single panel radiators consist of just one panel and one set of convectors. This design not only saves space but also ensures a sleek, modern look that complements any room decor.

Advantages of Single Panel Radiators

  1. Space-saving: Ideal for smaller rooms or where space is at a premium.
  2. Stylish design: Available in various colours and finishes to match your interior.
  3. Efficient heating: Provides ample heat output while maintaining energy efficiency.
  4. Easy to install: Less complex than multi-panel radiators, often requiring less labour and time.

Comparing Single Panel and Double Panel Radiators

FeatureSingle Panel RadiatorsDouble Panel Radiators
Heat OutputModerateHigh
Space RequirementsMinimalMore space needed
Design AestheticSleek and modernBulkier
Installation ComplexityEasierMore complex
Energy EfficiencyHighModerate

Cost Breakdown of Single Panel Radiators

When budgeting for a single panel radiator, consider the following costs:

  1. Purchase Price: Prices can range from £50 to £300 depending on the brand, size, and features.
  2. Installation: Professional installation typically costs between £100 and £250. DIY installation can save money but ensure you have the necessary skills.
  3. Maintenance: Annual maintenance, including bleeding and checking for leaks, costs around £50 to £100.

Detailed Cost Comparison

FeatureLow-End (£)Mid-Range (£)High-End (£)
Purchase Price50-100100-200200-300
Annual Maintenance5075100
Total Cost200-300325-475500-650

Top 10 Single Panel Radiators

1. Henrad Compact Radiator

A cost-effective option with a clean, compact design.

  • Price: £60
  • BTU: 2000
  • Size: 600 x 400 mm

2. Stelrad Compact Radiator

Renowned for its durability and efficient heat output.

  • Price: £80
  • BTU: 3000
  • Size: 600 x 600 mm

3. Kudox Premium Radiator

A stylish option with a high-gloss finish.

  • Price: £120
  • BTU: 3500
  • Size: 600 x 800 mm

4. Myson Premier Compact Radiator

Features high-quality steel and excellent heat distribution.

  • Price: £150
  • BTU: 4000
  • Size: 600 x 1000 mm

5. Quinn Compact Radiator

Known for its sleek design and robust construction.

  • Price: £130
  • BTU: 3200
  • Size: 600 x 700 mm

6. Reina Slimline Radiator

Offers a modern aesthetic with high heat efficiency.

  • Price: £200
  • BTU: 4500
  • Size: 600 x 1200 mm

7. Purmo Compact Radiator

A high-performance radiator with a minimalist design.

  • Price: £170
  • BTU: 3800
  • Size: 600 x 900 mm

8. Ecorad Single Panel Radiator

Eco-friendly option with great energy efficiency.

  • Price: £90
  • BTU: 2500
  • Size: 600 x 500 mm

9. Acova Column Radiator

Combines traditional style with modern efficiency.

  • Price: £250
  • BTU: 5000
  • Size: 600 x 1500 mm

10. MHS Radiators

Top-of-the-line with superior build quality and performance.

  • Price: £300
  • BTU: 5500
  • Size: 600 x 1800 mm

How to Install a Single Panel Radiator

Installing a single panel radiator can seem daunting, but with the right tools and instructions, it’s a manageable DIY project.

Tools You’ll Need:

  • Radiator brackets and screws
  • Spirit level
  • Drill
  • Pipe wrench
  • PTFE tape

Step-by-Step Installation Guide:

  1. Turn off your heating system and drain the existing radiator.
  2. Mark the positions for the new brackets on the wall using a spirit level.
  3. Drill holes and attach the brackets securely.
  4. Position the radiator on the brackets and connect the valves.
  5. Use PTFE tape to ensure tight, leak-free connections.
  6. Fill the system with water and check for leaks.
  7. Bleed the radiator to remove any trapped air.
  8. Turn on your heating system and enjoy your new radiator!

Expert Tip:

“Always ensure the radiator is perfectly level to avoid uneven heating and potential leaks.”

Maintenance Tips for Single Panel Radiators

To keep your radiator working efficiently, regular maintenance is essential.

Bleeding Your Radiator

Bleeding your radiator removes trapped air that can cause cold spots and reduce efficiency. Here’s how:

  1. Turn off the heating: Ensure the system is cool to avoid burns.
  2. Use a radiator key: Insert the key into the bleed valve at the top of the radiator.
  3. Turn the key counterclockwise: You’ll hear a hissing sound as air escapes.
  4. Close the valve: Once water starts to drip out, close the valve by turning the key clockwise.

Checking for Leaks

Inspect the radiator and valves regularly for any signs of leaks. Tighten any loose connections with a pipe wrench and replace any worn-out parts promptly.

Cleaning the Radiator

Dust and debris can accumulate on and inside your radiator, affecting its efficiency. Wipe down the exterior with a damp cloth and use a radiator brush to clean between the panels.

Professional Servicing

Annual servicing by a professional ensures your heating system is in top condition. This includes checking for leaks, bleeding radiators, and ensuring all components are functioning correctly.

Government Assistance for Heating and Energy Efficiency

The UK government provides various programs to help homeowners improve their heating systems and increase energy efficiency. Taking advantage of these programs can reduce costs and enhance the comfort of your home.

Government Heating Help:

  1. Warm Home Discount Scheme: Provides a one-off discount on your electricity bill.
  2. Energy Company Obligation (ECO): Helps low-income households make energy-efficient home improvements.

Climate Change and Heating Improvements:

  1. Energy Saving Trust: Offers advice on how to improve your home’s energy efficiency and reduce heating costs.
  2. Carbon Trust: Provides guidance on reducing carbon emissions and adopting greener heating solutions.

Additional Resources

  1. Green Homes Grant: Although closed, this scheme provided vouchers for home improvements. Keep an eye on similar future schemes.
  2. Home Energy Scotland: Offers advice and funding for energy-saving improvements in Scotland.


What is a single panel radiator?

A single panel radiator consists of one panel and one set of convectors, making it a space-saving and efficient heating solution.

How do I choose the right size radiator?

Measure the room dimensions and consider the British Thermal Unit (BTU) requirement to ensure adequate heating.

Can I install a single panel radiator myself?

Yes, with the right tools and instructions, DIY installation is possible. However, professional installation is recommended for complex systems.

How often should I bleed my radiator?

It’s advisable to bleed your radiator at least once a year, preferably before

the heating season starts.

What are the benefits of a single panel radiator over a double panel?

Single panel radiators save space, are easier to install, and provide a sleek, modern look, although double panel radiators may offer higher heat output.

How can I make my radiator more efficient?

Regular maintenance, such as bleeding and cleaning, and ensuring your home is well-insulated can improve efficiency.

Are single panel radiators suitable for all rooms?

Yes, but they are particularly effective in smaller rooms or areas with limited wall space.


Single panel radiators are an excellent choice for those looking to combine efficiency with style. They are ideal for smaller spaces and offer an easy installation process. With a variety of designs and price points available, there’s a single panel radiator for every home. Regular maintenance and awareness of government programs can further enhance your heating system’s efficiency and sustainability.

By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to select, install, and maintain a single panel radiator, ensuring a warm and comfortable home all year round. Leveraging the right resources and knowledge can help you make the most of your heating system, saving money and contributing to a greener planet.

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